Friday, April 3, 2009

Still here

I haven't posted anything for awhile. Not sure if there is a lot to catch up on or not. Let's see, last time I was on I had lost 10 lbs. Since then I am not sure how much I have lost since then. I have lost a total of 13.6 all together. Last week I gained .2 and this week lost .8. It sure does seem slow doesn't it? I guess it was about 2 weeks ago that I lost a bit of my momentum. I stopped tracking and started guessing at the points. Doesn't work. My mood was for some reason kind of funked up. I tried to figure out what was going on, but it is always hard to do that with yourself. However, I have gotten through it. One thing I must remember for myself is that this is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change. Not only do my eating habits have to change, but other things in my life need to be going the way they are supposed to. I think I am learning that I do have a tendency to eat my emotions. I need to keep myself mentally and emotionally fit as well as physically fit. One of the biggest things for me is when my house is clean and neat I feel better. Duh! no brainer huh. I never said I was the fastest one on the block. My house is clean now. It is so much easier to do this if I can cook,which I can, but cooking involves cleaning up and that ain't no fun. I fixed my supper tonight which by the way was delish, and the dishes are put in the dishwasher and the cabinet is wiped down. Oops I did forget to sweep the floor. Even after eating a nice meal of Hawaiian Chicken, rice and carrots I am still a bit hungry. I still have 2 points left. I have a couple of different choices. I can check to see what the Orville popcorn is, I can eat an ice cream bar, maybe 2 cause I think they are worth 1 pt. each, or eat some mint choc chip ice cream, or some fresh strawberries. With WW it is important to eat all of your points for the day because it slows your metabolism down if you don't. I can actually eat more than my alloted points because you get extra points, and you get points for being active. I have this really cool Ped o meter that I got from work, that measures all this cool stuff, like aerobic steps, Kcal, and then the usual steps of course. I found out that I walk about a mile a day. Imagine that.
I think I will close for now. Hopefully, I will write more often.

1 comment:

  1. Cleaning up is a bitch, especially if you have to do a lot of prep work.
    I got a pedometer once when I was active at work and they are cool to have and realize how much you walk.
    Don't obsess about your apartment. You have only your own standards to live up to, not the bar that was set by Y. And remember, most people don't come near that bar. The only one I know is our sister.
